Get up to speed Fast
You can learn all Hiragana and Katakana using short (or long!) quizzes. If you keep forgetting, keep remembering.

Keep it Clean
Need something more advanced? We have hundreds of Kanji to learn from and thousands of words and example sentences so you can learn in context.

It's really Easy
You can learn to write properly by yourself, the aminations will guide you every step.

Effective learning
You can learn essential vocabulary at your own pace. The app will give you all the basics and beyond.

Practice writing
Custom Machine Learning understands your handwriting

Get the most out of your time studying by using the Nihongo Life iOS app. It is feature rich, fast and fun to use. You won't want to put it down.
Start from scratch
If you are starting to learn Japanese, you are in good hands. Our lessons walk you through the basics of the language and come with mini quizzes.
All the Kana
Some apps will charge you to learn Katakana. We don't. Hiragana and Katakana will be free forever.
Plenty of Kanji
Over 500 N5 and N4 common Kanji are included in the app, are searchable, come with pronunciation, readings, radicals and stroke order.
Learn to write
Our state-of-the-art Machine Learning model leverages your device to analye your handwriting and you can practice stroke order and legibility.
Native Audio
Satoko-Sensei and Yuki-Sensei have made recordings to help you understand pitch and intonation when speaking.
Offline first
No internet? No problem. The app is designed to be ready wherever you are.
When you're ready, learn useful words with example sentences and if you're still getting warmed up, break them down into their equivalent kana.
Learn in context
We believe Japanese is learnt best when it is in grammatical context, and we have 1000 example sentences to help you learn the important grammar points.
Search everything
Need to look something up? No problem, do it right from the home screen. Anything that you haven't seen before is highlighted too.
Test yourself
Use our pre-built quizzes or build your own advanced tests with time limits, number of questions, or specific groups of kana
Sleek design
The design has been considered from the start and has been curated to be playful, interactive and delightful to use.
Built for Privacy
The app keeps your data safe, it belongs to you and no-one else.
Unleash your competitive streak and climb the ranks of the leaderboards, earn points, badges and ranks to level-up your progress.