This is "にほんご の ほん" which will help you understand the Japanese grammar through plenty of rich example sentences with concise instructions in English developed through interactions with students, developed over many years of teaching.
Lesson 0
Learn about the writing system and the two alphabets, Hiragana and Katakana.
Lesson 1
An introduction to making sentences and asking basic conversational questions
Lesson 2
An introduction to bigger numbers along with basic questions words plus の.
Lesson 3 Part 1
An introduction to the これ, それ, あれ, どれ concepts and going shopping in Japanese.
Lesson 3 Part 2
An introduction to ここ, そこ, あそこ, どこ with more shopping conversations.
Lesson 4
An introduction to the time expressions to tell time in Japanese and asking questions related to time.
Lesson 5
An introduction to the days of the week and です, でした.
Lesson 6 Part 1
An introduction to basic verbs in Japanese in the present and the past along with the basic particles.
Lesson 6 Part 2
An introduction to the direction verbs with more particles.
Lesson 7
An introduction to more verbs and particles in Japanese.
Lesson 8
An introduction to the dates in Japanese along with いつ and other time sequencing words.
Lesson 9 Part 1
An introduction to います and あります and the difference between は and が and か and も.
Lesson 9 Part 2
An introduction to ほしい, すき, きらい and talking about reasons why.
Lesson 10
An introduction to たいです with が, を, degrees of understanding and where things are.
Lesson 11
An introduction to どう and basic adjectives.
Lesson 12
An introduction to どんな with more adjectives along with そして, でも.
Get Started
You're in good hands. This is the first book in the Nihongo no Hon (The Japanese Book) series and is built to get you started from zero knowledge to holding basic converstions in twelve, interesting lessons.
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Particle Chart
Get to grips with the unique grammar patterns with mnemonics

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Vocabulary Lists
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Your own private dictionary at the end of the book is a great place to keep track of all the Japanese words and Kanji we use.
Not just quizzes
We have a few other charts and worksheets to help you remember finer points of Japanese which are availabe online to print out at home.
Books in the series